Sunday, November 22, 2015

my.ui - design-agnostic platform

Cool thing would be to create platform based on standard on top of HTML and cordova for mobiles which allows user to select theme on some site kinda my.ui - and all platform-compatible applications (web, mobile - dropbox, facebook, spotify, twitter etc..) would use selected theme form there and render all elements, css animation, backgrounds etc.. - based on user passions

Some thoughts about how it could be in real life:

Simplicity of standard

To attract developers by ease of use.

Definition of standard menu could look something like:
<ul class="menu">
    <li><i class="folder"></i>Files</li>
    <li><i class="picture"></i>Photos</li>
    <li><i class="sign-out"></i>Sign out</li>

This would allow to easily define and use UIs also outside of platform with usual stylesheets.
Inside of platform visual appearance of element is drawn by theme packages, which can apply from simple CSS background, font-size styles to complex JS/WebGL transformations to make look all menus like:

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"Plug-and-play" development

Modern technologies allow to change the way of organizing of  members for group work.

Remote work or in a place?

Presence of a person definitely may give certain great benefits - such as "hypnosis" (means  influence on person motivation - which i believe plays huge role in process, taking into account that people - are social creatures).

Ability of video conference - give some of "hypnosis" tools, though personal contact and real environment still may significantly outweigh.

But another hypothetical benefit of remoteness not used in full power at current market -
in theory, it gives ability to attach to project as many people as needed at a time.
It could give ability to connect 500 guys during two days and finish 1-year project in 48 hours.

In addition, such methodology would open doors for active minds, and filter out damped minds (which could stay at position for many months when rigid attachment is used).

It's possible, that the player on a HR market who will find a correct way how to "plug-and-play" members to a projects will go forward in efficiency far ahead of others.

Friday, August 7, 2015


Here is my first application for Spotify, which i wrote for few weeks experimenting with beautiful Angular Material implementing features which my favorite music service lack, but wanted by me pretty much:
  • Sort playlists by names, tracks, followers
  • Separate music to my own and followed
  • Navigate through artists, albums within selected playlist. (Actually i even did vice-versa available, in any combination, so i can see which playlists i have with James Brown)
So here is what i got and how it looks:

Playlists sorted by name and filtered by "lo"